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Lisnadill Primary School, Armagh

News - Miss Proctor P3/4

26th Jun 2024
Today we went to Wallace Park in Lisburn for our whole school trip. We had great...
25th Jun 2024
Today we had our Prize Giving Assembly. Our special guest was former pupil David...
19th Jun 2024
It was a fantastic evening for our Sponsored Walk and picnic.   Thanks to everyone...
17th Jun 2024
Today was our Sports Day in school. Everyone took part in all the races. Mr Savage’s...
14th Jun 2024
We really enjoyed our fun day organised by the team from Vibe Church. There was a...
7th Jun 2024
This week we have been learning how to measure length. We used metre sticks, rulers...
29th May 2024
Today we had a visit from the RNLI Lifeguards - Adam, Millie and Connolly. We have...
17th May 2024
Last week we had a special assembly about PANTS. We learnt some important rules to...
15th May 2024
Ex pupil David Crozier who recently received a CBE for services in cyber security...
7th May 2024
Primary 4 were thinking about the main features of our forest. They were given the...